August 21, 2010

PMR Trials 2010 (2)

Woohoo, trials are over. I think I did well. But if I do, I will have to go up on stage again which I don't think I like very much.

The only subject I will probably get a B in is BM. Did I tell you I don't like BM? I did, didn't I. I want to tell you again because BM pretty much sucks.

And I am going to relax for a while even though PMR is in about 1 month and a half. Cause I rock, like that. Tumbling the whole day. Woohoo.

There's only PMR left, and I will have pretty much finished my Form 3 year. Okay watefak, so sekejap. -.-'

Oh, is it wrong to think that I will probably not miss our headmistress? ... It probably is. Okay never mind.