October 1, 2010

Oh hai

Am I the only one still updating my blog while my fellow friends are busy studying? (and some possibly got bored of blogs and went facebooking)

Today was good. 4 more days until PMR. And 11 days till it's all over. Then there's only 2 months left to enjoy what's left of my Form 3 days. Oh gosh, I'm actually going to be in Form 4. But turning 16 is still a long way ahead. I feel so young :')
I'm not even 15 yet, haha. I feel so lucky to be a December baby. K I have to stop being so proud of myself.

Anyway, we had a uhm, majlis pohon restu in the morning. So after the teachers were done talking, which was quite a long time, I mean, teachers. Pfft. Oh wait, my ambition is to be a teacher. I just totally insulted myself.
So yeah, after all that, all of us had to go on the stage to salam the teachers. All I could do while they told me good luck, was nod. I was so speechless. Except when it came to ustazah. I definitely owe her an apology - I only pay attention to her for 5% of the class.

Then we said sorry to all our friends. Nak PMR baru nak mintak maaf, baru nak cakap balik. Haha, well, it's called having a reason to talk to each other again. It felt good, it was like all the fights, and arguments, and gossip of each other, and insulting, and talking behind each other's backs, and just all the bad stuff was washed away just by a few seconds, a hug, a shake of a hand and what the hell am I saying.
Nina made me want to cry. I hate it when people make me cry because they're crying.

I mean, it's just so emotional, past friendships or best-friendships that just naturally drifted apart, remembered again. Haih Farhana, stop. Seriously stop. You no make sense you know.

Then we had to arrange the chairs and tables in the hall. And I'mmmmmmmm next to Nina! Woohoo! And Khairin and Syafikah are behind her so we're all like close to each other. Happy dance, yeah. But Farhanah is like so far away - not so far away but yeah, far away. It's okay, I've had enough of sitting beside her everyday in school hehe just kidding.