October 7, 2010

Penilaian Menengah Rendah (3)

I miss this guy so freaking much.

Oh hai. Science. Was. Tortureeeee. K tak tipu je.
Science paper 1 was ehm, okay. Paper 2 was not so okay. It was hard, but not like KILLER HARD. Like, hard. I just couldn't answer some of the questions and it made me mad.

Oh and my cousin knew the answer and he said it was in the chemistry book and I was like, whut? Chemistry book? Not the science form 3 people would normally read.

And history was fine. After it was over (WOOHOO NO HISTORY FOR 2 MONTHS), Khairin wanted to borrow my paper and everyone was checking the answers and seriously, stop doing that. (Jap, padahal aku pun buat).

We've got Math and Kemahiran Hidup left. Then it's over and I can go partay waste time at home.
K well, honestly, I'm frustrated with my Science. Go die lah science.

Eh, after this, I'm not going to be learning the lower form syllabus. That is just so... epic.
Oh and I asked my friends if I was gedik and F said I am and I am loads of times and I got so sad I almost cried and I didn't have the mood to do my history and I still kinda am, but he doesn't know. Well I know I am. It's just nvm :)

And since when did Keeve call me Susu? I don't even know him well. Whoah. How did he even know? This is so epic.