December 2, 2010


I finished my swimming lessons. ANNNNNNND, I can do the butterfly stroke now! I feel so proud of myself :')

And and and I'm going to Singapore tomorrow morning, and I'll be back Tues. Well I'm crossing back over here on Monday. But I'll be back on Tues. Bye bye loves ♥
Do try miss me ;)


Jhn Kml said...

Me and Iman will also be in Spore this weekend. :D

nurul farhana said...

Oh oh, I'll meet you there :D
Yeah I was going to go out with Iman, but I think we have to cancel .

fatin firdaus said...

Ohmhygod. Everyone is going to Singapore this year. SEMUA. AISH. Anyway Susu, have you ride on the Singapore Flyer? It's cool :)

nurul farhana said...

No, not semua. Tahu lah kampung dekat Singapore. :P
Singapore Flyer tu apa? It doesn't sound so good.