December 4, 2010

The Other Side of Down

David Archie's Other Side of Down was pretty good. I can't say I'm in love with it. Yes, I, an Arch Angel admits I am not very in love with his new album. It's good, but I guess I like Taylor Swift's Speak Now better.

David, I'm sorry. I still love you though.
This album's mostly about self-discovery. Favourite tracks are Falling Stars and Elevator. Elevator is such a cute song, it's different. David's voice has matured, and his songs have matured as well.
But really, you'll get tired of listening to it after a while.

Singapore's been good me. Last night I walked along Orchard Rd. with mom looking for food. Was tiring, but the burger I bought from Burger King was worth it. Or maybe that was because I was too hungry.
We then walked all the way back to the hotel without GPS. K I'm lying, we got unsure after a while so we checked the GPS.

I'm almost positive the cashier at BK was talking about me with his colleagues. I got confused with the money :-/