October 16, 2010

I could do better

Dad just got back from US. He was in Houston for a week. Annnndddd he bought us stuff :)
He bought us some chocolates:
Oh yeah, I can eat as many kisses as I want now - until they all run out that is.

Ah well, I asked him to buy me some clothes as it's much much cheaper there. But he didn't get me them. He said he didn't know what to buy. Understandable. So he got me a bag. And a purse, which I'm not posting up. And a keychain as well.

He bought my mom Coach bags as well. And my brother got some games. Wait, I think he bought those in Holland.

Can I please go shopping in US? Now? Please.

Post-PMR has been quite boring. I watched Charlie St. Cloud the other day with Iman. I thought it was nice plus those scenes Zac Efron went shirtless? Uh-mazing.
I was like HNGGGGGG. And his muscly - not over muscly - body made me almost squeal, before I remembered we were in public.
Iman said it was boring though.

I skipped three days of school - including today. I completely forgot today was a school day. And I woke up a tad late yesterday.
I know I'm not missing much though. Well, I'll still go to school next week though. Bummer. Now PMR's over, I don't know what to do. I know I had loads of things in mind before PMR, but now, it's all blank. Should've written em down.

Oh well, might as well enjoy my days. It's not often I get time like this.
But it's utterly boring. Seriously.

Oh gosh, Imma cry of boredom now.