October 20, 2010


Hannah likes to camwhore. Seriously - no kidding. Everytime she sees the camera, she's like, cheese, and she basically forces me to take pictures.

I know, we both look so retarded cute. Nyehe, okay my sister does, I just look retarded. I camwhored the whole day today. Asma brought her camera to school, so I filled the memory card with my face.

I told everyone (k not everyone) that the teachers are treating us like goats. They're like herding us wherever they please, then they keep us in the hall. And we're like, trapped, there. I will not tolerate being a goat.

I've been doing nothing much. I've just been watching tv, tumbling, reading novels, lots of sleeping, lots of nothing, lots of complaining, and everything teenagers these days do.


farareeraree said...

Milky, you look old. Just kidding. XD