October 21, 2010

Me and you, You and me

I believe in you and me, me and you. I'll talk, you'll listen. You'll talk, I'll listen. I'll be moody, you'll be tolerating. You won't be moody, and I'll be thankful.

I'll cry, you'll ask why. You'll cry, I'll make you happy.
I start to feel lazy, you tell me not to. You start to feel lazy, I'll be your inspiration.
I talk to another guy, you'll feel jealous. You talk to another girl, I'll feel insecure.
You make me smile, and I make you smile.

We don't need to those typical relationships. Those boyfriend-girlfriend relationships that aren't special. We don't need that, because what we have is much better.
You're my best friend, I'm your best friend. You care about me, I care about you.

Sometimes you don't need a relationship, you can just have someone who'll be there no matter what. Someone who cares, and when it's time maybe you can have something more.
Relationships are messy, and people's feelings get hurt. Especially when you're still in high school. There's much more to life than having a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Why have one when it's meaningless. When you know it won't last. Why waste all your tears and time on something that won't benefit.

One day, when you're not looking, you'll find that one. That one who's just right for you. And you'll guide each other to the path of Allah. That's the one who's right for you.

I like Patrick Stump,
He says,
"Alright. Every band tells you to raise your middle finger, for fuck this, fuck that. But we think that's boring. We want you to hold up your ring finer, because there is someone out there in this world who wants to sleep next to you every night."

Sorry, terpasang lagu jiwang masa buat post ni.