October 26, 2010

Kuala Pilah

Those are pictures when we went for dinner in KL. I can't remember when. Oh oh and it tasted good.

I wasn't home for the whole weekend. Kind of. I went to Kuala Pilah on Friday - just for 2 days. My brother had a rugby tournament there, at Sekolah Menengah Sains Tuanku Jaafar. Cool story bro. We went after the Friday prayers.
Since Kuala Pilah didn't have hotels, we had to stay at this rest house, my mom said it was actually for government officers and such, but now it's opened for public.

I admit, I can't really stand kampungs, it's kind of hard for me. And I swear I really wanted to go home as fast as I can after seeing that place. But since I am only 14 and 10 months, I didn't have a choice. I actually didn't want to go, but mom made me compromise. She let me go to the sleepover at Asma's house for 2 nights - if I went to Kuala Pilah with them.

So that night, after coming home from dinner, COCKROACHES CAME OUT OF THEIR HIDING PLACES TO ATTACK US. Well no, I guess, they claimed the room as their homes. I. Was. So. Creeped. Out. No I don't like cockroaches. They creep the heck out of me. Imagine them crawling all over the body. K I JUST CREEPED MYSELF OUT.
I had a hard time sleeping that night.

The next day, we spent the day at SMS Tuanku Jaafar. That school smelt like cows. I'm not kidding. There were cows right next to the school. So like, imagine the smell of their shit. Actually don't imagine it, because I don't know how the students there can stand the smell.

We stayed there until 5, and my brother's team won first place. Hooray for them. I decided to actually pay attention to their matches, even though I don't know the rules and all. Finally harboured some rugby spirit. Though I'm not that into it. Honestly, I just don't understand it. Never will probably. Or maybe it's the fact that I don't want to.

So then we went home, and reached home at about 7 and I cleaned up my stuff and my family sent me to Asma's house.
I helped with the cooking CEH POYO KOT. Hana and Jehan were there as well. Sleepovers have changed. At Asma's anyway, all of us used the internet.

The barbeque next day was cool. We stole Syahiid's camera and camwhored.

The first question people ask me when they know me is Kenapa diorang panggil kau susu?